Manage API keys via the admin interface

Getting to the API keys

To get the API keys of a specific store, first make sure that the specified store is the one currently selected. The currently selected store name will show at the top navigation bar to the right of the Tradenity logo.

If the top navigation is showing another store, switch to the specified store using the “Store Switcher”, you can find it at the side bar.

API key menu item

Now, you can find the API keys for this store. From the side menu, click the “Developer” menu, then click “API keys” menu item.

API key menu item

View the keys master page

At the “API keys” page, you will see a list of all keys.

By default, every store has a default key, which was auto generated during store creation.

API key menu item

View the default keys

You can find more details at the key details page.

API key menu item

Create new API keys

You can have as man keys as you like for your store

To create a new API keys, go to the “API keys” master page, At the top right you can see the “Create new credentialsSet” button, click it and you will be redirected to the “Create new key” page.

Fill in the name and a short description of your key, the system will auto-generate for you, you do not have to provide them yourself.

API key menu item